Honest lyrics from a solid songwriter
Havard har med albumet «Mercy Sea» skapt et dypt personlig album som reflekterer over hans livserfaringer, og ikke minst hans kamp mot kreft og tidligere psykiatriske utfordringer.
Albumet er preget av en intim sårbarhet, og hver låt forteller en historie fra Havards liv. Tittellåten «Mercy Sea» skiller seg ut som en poetisk refleksjon over Havards opplevelse av dødelighet og hans imaginære møter med Jesus på en strand. Denne surrealistiske, men samtidig dypt personlige fremstillingen av en livstruende situasjon gir låten en unik karakter.
Låter som «Do I Belong» og «The Spirit» utforsker eksistensielle spørsmål om tilhørighet og det å finne fred i livet, mens «Alone At A Table For Five» dykker ned i mørkere og mer selvdestruktive følelser knyttet til ensomhet og alkoholmisbruk. «Mama» er en rørende hyllest til Havards mor som kjempet med depresjon i en periode, og som viser en mer empatisk og omsorgsfull side. Albumet inneholder også mer optimistiske spor som «Love In The Sunshine» som skaper en fin kontrast til de mørkere mer introspektive temaene.
Havards stemme og tekster formidler en dyp personlig historie, og med bidrag fra kjente norske artister som Maria Solheim og Hildegunn Garnes Reigstad, og en flott og luftig produksjon fra Fredrik Wallumrød har Havard skapt et album som berører. Dette er musikk som både utfordrer og trøster, og som viser hvordan dyp personlig smerte kan forvandles til kunst med kraft til å berøre andre.
Fredrik Wallumrød - Produsent, musikalsk geni, diktator og trommis
Torjus Vierli - Mannen med over 1000 synlige tangenter i Studio
Kjetil Gilberg - The bassmann
Thomas Lauvland - Diverse gitar og nevø
Øyvind Kløve Kjernlie - Dobros, steal git
Maria Synnøve Solheimm - Det nydelig vesen, sjekk The Hymn
Hildegunn Garnes Reigstad - For et kor, for en vokalist
thx to Caroline Waters - The vocal coach
Våre ukrainske venner som fikk øynene til å bli våte på The Church of Mariyinka:
Havard’s latest single ‘Alone At A Table For Five’ takes listeners into the vulnerable spaces of solitude and longing. This haunting track, an offering from his upcoming album ‘Mercy Sea’, explores themes of isolation and the human desire for connection, reflecting Havard’s own journey through challenging times.
Known for his raw, unfiltered storytelling, Havard opens up a window into a world often left unspoken - where a solitary figure sits alone, yearning for connection even among strangers, feeling the weight of a world that feels distant and indifferent.
Drawing inspiration from a trip back to his childhood home, Havard’s lyrics dive deep into the importance of love and friendship, especially in life’s darkest moments. His music becomes a reminder of the comfort that companionship can bring, a tribute to those who lift us up when the world feels overwhelming. With his signature blend of poignant honesty and tender delivery, Havard creates a song that doesn’t shy away from life’s heaviest struggles but instead turns them into a universal call for empathy and understanding.
‘Alone At A Table For Five’ stands as yet another testament to Havard’s ability to connect with listeners on a profoundly emotional level. As he prepares to release ‘Mercy Sea’, this single not only highlights his growth as an artist but also solidifies his place as a voice for those navigating their own paths through hardship.
Are you ready to experience the magic of a sunny day on a rock? Havard is back with his new single "Love In The Sunshine", a song that captures the essence of spending a day on a rock with someone you love. Havard puts you in the situation where love blossoms under the sun's rays.
Make yourself comfortable, sit back and let "Love In The Sunshine" become the soundtrack to your perfect summer day.
"Love In The Sunshine" is the first sample from the upcoming album "Mercy Sea", which will be released later this autumn. The album was produced by Fredrik Wallumrød, and contains performances by, among others, Maria Solheim and Hildegunn Garnes Reigstad. The album addresses major themes such as hope, fear, loneliness, faith and doubt. With a solid band and Havard's characteristic voice, the album has become a collection of musical stories about life's twists and turns.
Fredrik Wallumrød (drums) Torjus Vierli (keys), Kjetil Gilberg (bass), Hildegunn Garnes Reigstad (harmonics).

Jan Tomasz Rogalathis that works with humanitarian aid wrote about this video:
"On one of my fundraising trips to Norway I met Havard, a professional musician and a kind man. He was very touched with the stories, photos and clips I showed him of war times in Ukraine, as well as of our work of saving lives and bringing Humanitarian Aid. One of the clips He watched was about destruction of small town Marinka and particularly its church. He was moved to compose and record the song about it. He even employed a small choir of Ukrainian singers. Here is a song He wrote and recorded using different clips, some of our Humanitarian and evacuation work. Thank you for helping us to save and support Ukrainian families."